Wednesday, November 24, 2010


thanks for embarrassing me.. so much.. promise my heart wont be hurt again.. never ever ever ! better now than 10 years further.. jiwa mst kental, hati mst kuat.. no more problem much misery, dont ever be weak coz of nothing.. just be YOURSELF !

Sunday, November 21, 2010

selamat hari ry aidiladha..

Raya kali nie mmg best cz my father wt qurban.. tp yg sedeynye, ak xmkn sbrg dging yg kaler merah, including cow meat ye ! (aish, padahal dlu peberet tyme kck²).. ngak tau nape sih.. hehe.. well, mlm sblm ry dh berazam nk bgn, mandi awl² cz slalunye mst xsmpt nk amik gmbr family sbb sedare mare dtg im still in the mess.. haha.. tp thun nie, berjaya.. yeay ! 

pas smyg ry, trus balun rendang aym smpi knyg.. pastu tlg² ma "tgk" siang daging lembu.. maaf, xdpt tlg.. hehe.. nxt day ry g mjls kawen cucu abah ak.. its mean tok cucu ak.. aish, byk tul perkaitan drh sedare mare nie.. penin².. tp kn abah, ehem².. abah xnk rs cucu sndri ke ? haa, mampuih kena blkg parang if face to face.. ampun bah.. haks².. 

tp kn, bile tgk org kawen, teringin la plak kn.. tp kn kn ko nk mkn ape pas kawen, psir lauk batu, keje pn xlg, ade ati lak kn.. just imagination beyond reality.. haha.. :D

rendang aym buatan tgn ma.. syokkk ah !

juadah simple di pg ry..

 sblm smyg ry with ma..

 my sista, sorg lg xde.. huhu

selamat pengantin baru bt kak jue & abg nasriq
smga berbahagia hngga ke akhir hyt.. :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Alhamdulillah.. :)

Yesterday, again my 2nd intebiu.. hoho.. neves yg amat² sgt.. never have an experience on teaching, but just try as much as i can do.. yossshhh ! hope everythin will be succesfull cz have a lot of sacrifice there.. huk².. cant compare anythin with ur luv, mi familia.. ;( thanx u very much.. 

some roll model.. haks.. ;p

important person sacrifice a lot for me 
wit tok sedare.. TQVM.. ;(

oohh.. ssh tul nk cri sesuap ns neh.. huk².. xde rezeki lg wt ms skng, but just dun gv up, k !