Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tanam.tanam.tanam anggur..LOL

Vitis Vinifera 

Adola, nmpk ngat xtau ape nk wat smpi g kaji grape/anggur/scientific nm kt ats.. sigh. -.-" Tp kaji bkn sbrg kaji, tgk kt scientific nm kt ats tu Vitis.... ahah.. ade kaitan nk pitis (mony.mony.mony bkn keropok mony ek..). Jgn arap anggur ko nk berbuah klo ko xtnm2..hahaha.. :D Ekceli, just wanna to imbas kembali jaman2 pengajian degree ku kt umt..byk kngan tol. sedey lak bila ingat lik kdg2..wuwuuu... ;'( dh2, jom roll vt..ahaks..

Ms sampling tuk prinsip ekologi, kt setiu wetland...

Sampling kt Lata Belantan, tp ekceli sampling ke??hahaha...

Kt lab, tgh nk tggu sembelih aym itam, sempt g posing..heehe...

Lam lab jgk..posing slgi leh posing...

Owh..alga2 ku cyg..u make me can grad..for my fyp..hehehe...

S/wtr for mi alga.. credit to siti & her DU112...bju kurum pun lyn.. :D

Hohoho..not me yet... -.-" cngrate to mi fren, tima & gee...

& finaly, my turn... neves gler kot.. arap maaf, visual gmbr krg
memuaskn..ecece..hahaha.. ;D

hoyehh... wif FENDIANs.. windu suma2..huhuhu.. 
sori to ma, grad lain ari.. -.-"

Lastly, wif mi familia & ehem2... hehe.. suka.suka.

Dh abeh... tu je yg leh di roll kn... hehehe.. tanggal 31, bln 8 slh lgu maa... ok2, seyes... tanggal 26hb72010 ritu, tmt la riwayat ak sbg studnt Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences)... and now my job is to take care to my Vitis Vinifera yg xpenah2 ku tnm..hohoho.. :p


  1. sudah ade blog la cikno kite... hahaha! nnt ore follow ok...

  2. haha..followed!
    gee pon stalker ropenye

  3. gee: hahaha..jgn sk supo tima ngn t..sep2 dio sk ko nm blog ore..huhuh..okeh2.. :))

    tima: hohoho..xpe2,sk ko ore ea.. ;p
